2 Houses on 1 Parcel
Mobile, AL 36605
2BR, 1BA each Home- Built 1982
Square Feet1,658
Purchase Price$105,000
Initial Market Value$105,000
Closing Costs$7,022
Initial Cash Invested$33,272
Income & ExpensesMonthlyAnnual
Gross Rent$1,300$15,600
Vacancy Losses$104$1,248
Operating Income$1,196$14,352
Operating Expenses$383$4,601
Net PerformanceMonthlyAnnual
Net Operating Income$813$9,751
- Mortgage Payments$523$6,281
= Cash Flow$289$3,470
+ Principal Reduction$67$802
+ First-Year Appreciation$525$6,300
= Gross Equity Income$881$10,572
Financial Indicators
Capitalization Rate9.3%
Cash on Cash Return10%
Total Return on Investment32%
Real Estate Appreciation Rate6%
Vacancy Rate8%
Management Fee8%
*Information is not guaranteed and investors should do their own research, get professional advice and conduct due diligence prior to investing.