Nice Investment Opportunity!
North Little Rock, AR 72116
4BR, 2BA, Built in 1964
Square Feet2,269
Initial Market Value$139,900
Purchase Price$139,900
Loan Origination Fees$0
Depreciable Closing Costs$5,596
Other Closing Costs and Fixup$0
Initial Cash Invested$19,586
Cost per Square Foot$62
Monthly Rent per Square Foot$0.57
Gross Rent$1,295$15,540
Vacancy Losses($104)($1,243)
Operating Income$1,191$14,297
Property Taxes($117)($1,399)
Management Fees($119)($1,430)
Leasing/Advertising Fees$0$0
Association Fees$0$0
Operating Expenses($398)($4,771)
Net PerformanceMonthlyAnnual
Net Operating Income$794$9,525
- Mortgage Payments($715)($8,579)
= Cash Flow$79$947
+ Principal Reduction$141$1,696
+ First-Year Appreciation$700$8,394
= Gross Equity Income$920$11,037
+ Tax Savings$47$559
= GEI w/Tax Savings$966$11,596
Mortgage InfoFirstSecond
Loan-to-Value Ratio90%0%
Loan Amount$125,910$0
Monthly Payment$714.90$0.00
Loan TypeAmortizing Fixed
Term30 Years
Interest Rate5.500%0.000%
Monthly PMI$0
Financial Indicators
Debt Coverage Ratio1.11
Annual Gross Rent Multiplier9
Monthly Gross Rent Multiplier108
Capitalization Rate6.8%
Cash on Cash Return5%
Total Return on Investment56%
+ Tax Benefits: Deductions, Depreciation, 1031 Exchange, etc.
Real Estate Appreciation Rate6%
Vacancy Rate8%
Management Fee10%
Maintenance Percentage8%
*Information is not guaranteed and investors should do their own research, get professional advice and conduct due diligence prior to investing.